Cullen Property Blog

Ease exam stress with Cullen Property’s top tips

Exam season is looming, which means many of you will be in study mode and perhaps feeling stressed. However, there are little things you can do that can go a long way to easing stress and helping you concentrate. Here, we’ve brought you a few tips on how to use your surroundings to boost your study sessions.

Sleep well

While many of us are guilty of staying up all night and cramming all of our revision in right before an exam, sleep is critical in order to retain information. Do your flatmates have a different exam timetable? Don’t be afraid to ask them to keep the noise down if they are being loud when you’re trying to sleep. Struggling to fall asleep? Why not try a lavender pillow spray? One spray on your pillow before you go to bed could help you relax and fall asleep easier.

Exercise and take breaks

Make sure you take regular breaks. Exercising and getting fresh air can help focus your mind, whilst relaxing you and helping to reduce stress. Did you know Edinburgh tops the list for having the most green space of the UK’s top 10 most populated cities? Why not take advantage of the many beautiful parks in the city by taking short, frequent breaks to help aid your concentration?

Organise your study space

Designate a space in your flat specifically for studying, whether it’s the desk in your room or the dining table in the kitchen, so you have a place to sit when you’re in ‘study mode’. Keep your flat tidy and keep your study space clutter free – this will help you feel more organised. Sunlight is known to boost our mood and make us feel calm, so open those blinds and curtains and let the light in!

Visit your favourite coffee shop

Need a change of scenery from your flat or university library? Why not visit one of Edinburgh’s many coffee shops? Did you know research has shown that the atmosphere in coffee shops can help increase creativity, make you more alert and eager to learn? Coffee shops are also a great place to arrange study sessions with friends.

Good luck